A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year. ~Paul Sweeney
Today marks my 1st year wedding anniversary and if my first year is any indication of what marriage should be like then I am definitely in this forever. My husband is the epitome of goodness and I thank God everyday and his parents of course for bringing him into my life. This is the happiest I have ever been in any relationship and I hope to die this way.
In a previous post, I remember saying that marriage is a commitment of love and I can attest to that. My husband is my life partner, we share the same beliefs and values and of course we both love carnival
In ending I just want to wish my husband a Happy 1st Anniversary and wishes for a million more to come. If he lasted a year with all my attitude and moodiness this is definitely till death do us part (sometimes I joke with him and tell him if he dies before me and he moves on, ah coming to haunt he, lol).
Congratulations to you and Hercules! It’s enjoyable liming with you both and lovely to see you guys interact. Continue in that same spirit and Mel stop giving de man attitude lol! Stay feisty hon
Thanks Rae, girl my feisty ways keeping he on he toes, lol
Happy Anniversary to both of you… Peace Love and happiness FOREVER
Hugs and kisses… Xoxo
Thanks Jas. xoxoxo
FELICITATIONS ma cherie, oui la vie de marriage c’est une adventure formidable et oui je confirm,car cela fait 9ans que je suis dans cette adventure biensur avec les haut et les bas, mais l’importance c’est d’aimer et de ce sentir aimé, nous avons grandi emsemble lisa, et cela me rejoui le coeur de savoir que tu est heureuse et satisfaite dans ta vie de couple, QUE DIEU VOUS GARDE DURANT VOTRE ADVENTURE.
Woy Auds u had me revisiting my french I was taught in school oui…Thanks so much
Happy Anniversary to you all. Blessings!
Congrats i dunno why it seem like yall been married forever lol!!! Wishin u n Herc many many more!
Happy anniversary to both of you! How time flies.