Today we Escaped!
You would think that as I’m 4 hours late I would just walk straight in. Watch a line I have to take oui, sigh
I just see a man walking out so I really hope the entrance and the exit is the same
Wdf is going on with this line bro
By time I reach inside fete done
So for the amount of tickets y’all sell there is only one person giving out bands? Oh sorry it’s 2
🫤 I know damn well they not playing Palance
That was very ridiculous!
So because I reach late I cyah get nice cup? They doh know how many people they catered for to have a million nice cups
Them bar people looking a little overwhelmed
Them convent aunties of mine really mean not one of them want to trade with me. I want a nice cup
I didn’t look for food cause my aunty made some saltfish and my belly was still full but they didn’t really have much by time I reach and the Grace line was very long
The set up is not bad; different tents for different kinds of drinks
Aunty Ella is my new favorite aunty she give me her nice cup
They say a Dr lose their phone but that’s a Dr they can buy a new one, start the music back cause I not looking for it
Okay I was complaining a lot about the line I had to wait in but Escape was good
My bartender was lit, the people was lit, all inclusive fetes alone I want to go.
All in all my first time Escape was great I had a lot of fun and I can put it in my list of must go to fetes but next time I go reach on time.
Random pics and videos for your enjoyment: