It’s carnival Monday!!
This is my first carnival Monday as a MUA and my first appointment is at 3:30 am so I hope everybody comes on time so I can make it on the road on time
Okay 8:30 am I finish so let me clean up and go get ready
AA yo that costume have so much to tie if I was deh by myself how I was doing that uh.
Can’t even wear panty how sexy the bottom is oui, my stockings barely make it
12:30 pm I just reach on the road! Jah my band leave me already but they not far.
Why they have so much tourist walking through the bands so
Awa them feathers go get me awajay today if one more person pass and prick me
Wow they really have bumbum out today
See people with shirts and rags to cover all their parts that’s falling out
AA check the wyipopo
Why they have people with so much clothes on them.
AA rain already I just reach
Why people not in costume today is our pretty mas
Lemme go see what J4F saying Fuzion can catch up to me
Not going to lie shout out to Herc for the shoe choice, I’m floating right now
AA check the grannies band
To me they say J4F just there in front us. I pass how much bands deh already
Check costumes on the ground already
J4F way too far for me so I’ll stay by the bum bum wall and pree Legends still
Legends bumbum wall segment was really feb
The scrunched backside panty not fitting people good uh especially the no bumsee girls
I find they really have invaders this year and we eh even teach town yet
Okay my phone running hot I’ll be back
AA that girl have all her cacalack out that eh good uh
Check people try to get on the wall and need help
All man that can’t wine need to stay home
So the first time they full my cup all the way up now they only giving half
Why they being chis with the liquor uh…I wonder if they running out?
AA my head bad
It really hot oui
Okay I reach in Castries I putting my phone away
5:40 pm crossing the stage I feel we’ve been here for like 10 years now
Carnival is supposed to end at 6 maybe 7
The road started on time today so I don’t know why it took us so long to cross the stage and go back up.
Anyways because I arrived late I didn’t get much pictures of the other bands but the time we passed J4F my head was bad already and my phone was away.
All in all I had a great time but one thing I find we have so much gooodddd lucian music we eh need to play no other country’s music. Run an old lucian Soca run an old dennery segment outside of like the 3 new Lucian songs they were playing so much other island soca.
Enjoy these randoms: