September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month

Sickle cell disease is an inherited disorder that affects red blood cells.  It affects more than 72,000 Americans, primarily those of African heritage, but also those of Arabian, Asian, Caribbean, Indian, Mediterranean, and South and Central American ancestry.  The disease is a lifelong condition that may result in serious health problems. Complications can include painful episodes (crises), anemia (low hemoglobin), organ damage, infections, lung problems, leg ulcers, bone damage and strokes.

Here are some first hand experiences of someone close to my heart talking about various challenges she has faced as a Sickle Cell patient…She was the poster child of Sickle Cells in St. Lucia a few years back and has since migrated to the United States.

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I will continue updating the blog this whole month with information and more videos about Sickle Cells.  Many people are not aware of this disease and the toll it takes on people’s lives!

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