I guess the party-goers should have taken note of the tagline of this event. H O O K E D !! EXPERIENCED CRAZY CRAZY YET?
Gosh was this event crazy….and crazy not in a good way. We left the marina after 12 and although it was later than expected, it worked for me since I had a bathing suit dilemma (so I won’t complain about the late move off since it worked in my favor….whew chile). There was more than 1 boat and on my boat it was pure vibes while the other boats when we passed it looked dry af, but I can’t give these people experience just what I saw from my vantage point.
We got to the destination and that is where chaos ensued…there was one small tent for food serving, (food of course that was not ready by the time we got there). We were served with some hot dogs that looked dry AF and didn’t even look like it was cooked properly either. Soon after we were served pelau and while there was supposedly plates (found that out later) we were served the pelau in our drink cups (on the brighter side, we got a spoon).
The tent where the food was being distributed was so small, that I am wondering what was the organizers thinking…you guys knew the amount of people that was coming to this event, yall couldn’t spring for a bigger tent or a few smaller tents so that the organization or food distribution could be better.
That beach was a mess, this was my first time there so maybe other people are used to the rockiness but that was a no bueno for me.
Just a few pics captured…to save some innocents all pics will not be posted….hehehe
I would also like to thank and cuss de person that took my half a bottle of Greygoose…

And just to show that I am not being biased or stoosh, here are some other reviews:
So many things happened at hooked but I won’t forget the bitch telling me THROW MY DRINK so she can put the pelau in my cup THATS BULLSHIT— AshCa$h (@AshleiJolene) July 1, 2019
And oh let’s not forget the glorious fight…why can’t we come to a fete and have a time instead of fighting
What Yall fighting for ? #Hooked 😂 pic.twitter.com/DvMrZ3HN8f— Dj-Yellow (@Yellow_Dj) June 30, 2019
De organizers did say EXPRESSION WITHOUT JUDGMENT!! So take that eh!
Charlie B.
So my hooked virginity was popped yesterday because i wanted to go oh so badly because of the reviews i was hearing…… and to my surprise what an overrated event………. the only good thing about yesterday the journey to and from the destination…. Big up sir lance..shelz and kool kid!!!!!!
Now to the beach aspect….. this needs some serious review and amendments………. why wasnt the food prepackaged and or at least at the destination prior to persons arrival? Two stafff members alone behind the tent whiles others who were supposed to be helping went mia…………. tell me why me as a patron had to jump in to help my lil friend serve food with no plates and cutlery and ppl being so hungry and desperate opted to be served in their cup? Ps for working i hope i get a refund or my next verve event free because this was crazy!!!!
Drinks….. in this blazing sunnnnn…… how can yall run out of water and ice…… pelau was already starting to.smell sour cuz of the heat….hot dogs looked as if.hot water was poured over it……. so what did my 120 cover???????
These small speakers on the beach for such a masss crowd…no syah….. sa pas tey bon pyesssssss!!!!!!!
Better security is needed for the beach….all these private boats coming and if u dont want to dance on them, u get insulted…noo syahhhhhhh… and ppl for crying out loud…… yall pay yall money behave uh…. sighhh….
The beach aspect killed my experience……. it was not 5:30 n i was back on my boat smh!!!!!!!
To the verve team….. i hope u guys really fix this!!!!!!!!