So for the past year or so, I haven’t really been writing and is not like I don’t have anything to write about, is just that when you have to write so much papers for school, nobody trying to keep up with a blog……the good news is I am almost done, in about 1 week or so, I would have written my final paper and be done. AMEN!
I swear I have been a student my whole life…is take a break and back. I thought when I did my last Master’s program that it would have been my last but alas…I promise though that this one is my last, my brains are fried, I can’t do this school thing any more…..I am done, finito…(I can hear my husband and one of my besties saying uh huh; they always doubt me)
My last program wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do, although at the time it was and it is still something that if the opportunity arises, that I have under my belt. This program now is what I do and what I have been doing for a good portion of my work career, so that will definitely be beneficial and put me in a better place. I am so excited to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I know my husband and family is too. Our weekend activities used to be scheduled around my papers and we were very limited with things to do if I had 2 papers to write. My husband was my sounding board and thank God for him being the whispering voice telling me to hold on and this was just a means to an end (even if I feel that he could have done some of my papers for me, because that was his field to, but he wasn’t having that….uh huh, girl sit and do your own papers, ent nobody tell you to go back to school) (I love you doh Mr. H.)
In the meantime I have a few pics of what I was into for some intended blog posts that sat in draft for how long, lol…
My birthday and eight and half months pregnant
Second round of leaving black locs (Cognac color)
Curly locs with some more of the Cognac color. Easiest way to curl my locs is to just braid it or plait it…So I plait like 5 or 6 of them, bend the ends and wrap the bent ends with a small rubber band.
Length check after pregnancy
Contemplating changing color once more
French manicure with gel (have since removed the gel)
Liquid Palisade is the bomb for all your DIY manicures (It is liquid painter’s tape…so you put it around your fingernail cuticles before you apply your nail polish. It keeps the cuticle free from nail polish…It peels right off with a tweezer after you are done. Cuticle oil is from Deep Sea Cosmetics (Bought a long time ago from one of these kiosks in the mall; you know the kind that once these girls see you passing they grab you to come try their products, lol)
Seche Vite is a dry fast top coat. This is actually the best top coat that I have used and trust me I have used alot. It really seals in the color and I find that my polish didn’t peel off as quickly as it usually does and oh of course it dries very quickly.
OPI “Did you ‘ear about Van Gogh?”
Completed color…very pretty and easy to put on.
Will be doing some more nail polish posts in the future and posting more often yeah I know I have said that before..
Meli Mel