Be gentle with yourself, forgive yourself, love yourself and heal…Don’t judge people based on their past, but more importantly don’t judge people based on your past…..These are two chapters in Tasha’s book that resonated with me when I started browsing. I reached out to Ms. Cyril for an interview and also got a copy of her book. Just from reading this interview and the few pages that I have read from her book put a smile on my face
ML: Tell us about Tasha Cyril.
TC: I am 30 years old, the last of 14 Kids, and my mother’s only child. I love the beach and sunsets, and because of that I’m going to own a yacht someday. I find my peace and serenity in the 2. I see and find love in all situations, I think it was a gift I was given.
ML: Briefly, what led up to you writing?
TC: Writing for me had always been my go to, when I needed to have conversations that were very important to me. When I was younger I never had the courage to speak up about the things that really mattered to me, or bothered me. As an adult writing became my healing tool. It also gives me a platform to help others heal, and for me that’s a big reward.
ML: How many books have you written?
TC: Beginning with Myself is my first book. I’m working on the second one now. My blog in and of itself feels like a book to me because it tells such an intriguing story. I think eventually I’m going to convert it to a novel.
ML: Where do you write from? I have always heard of so many writers having writers block, have you experienced that and does your environment play a role in your writing?
TC: I can’t say I’ve experienced true writer’s block, since much of what I write relates mainly to my real life experiences. I think I have a harder time putting ideas, and concepts into words so it can really resonate with readers. My mind set and mood play a much larger role than my environment. I can write anywhere if something great comes to me.
ML: What do you find to be the hardest part of writing?
TC: One of the hardest parts of writing for me is being able to revisit situations without going into a depressed mood. So often times I have to remind myself about forgiveness. However a lot of my really captivating pieces have come directly out of a head space where I relive every incident to the second, whether it was going back to a good or bad experience.
ML: Best piece(s) of advice for writers trying to break in.
TC: Write from your soul, believe it or not what you feel transfers to your readers.
ML: Are you self-published, if so why? What are your biggest learning experience(s) or surprise(s) throughout the whole writing or publishing process?
TC: I am self published, with the help of a company. It allowed me to put the book out at my own pace. The process wasn’t as difficult as I anticipated. I was just really happy that the self publishing company I went through offered so many options for design and layout, and also handled distribution. I was scared that I would not be able to get my book out on a global scale on my own.
ML: Something personal about you people may be surprised to know.
TC: Haha, funny you asked. Since I’ve been writing and putting things about myself out there, people seem to be surprised by everything I’ve shared. It’s amazing how people who “know” you and even those who don’t, have a grand perception of who you are. But I can say everything I’ve shared about myself has been well received. But in any case, here’s one more. I have the fattest toes ever …. I used to be really insecure about them too, but now it’s whatever.
ML: Where can one purchase any of your book(s)?
TC: Beginning with Myself ebooks are available on iTunes and Hard copies can be purchased at, Barnes & Noble and Kobo.
ML: Do you do motivational speaking, if so where can you be reached or contacted?
TC: I do, and I’m actually looking to develop that aspect of my work a lot more. I can be reached by email:
ML: What’s next?
TC: Working on some more tours and appearances for Beginning with Myself , a second title and hopefully a play before the end of the year.
Cover of her book:
You guys can check out her blog where you can get a greater look at her life and a better understanding of where she is coming from and where she is now in terms of personal and spiritual growth and don’t forget to get a copy of her book.
We wish you the best Tasha and looking forward to reading your second book and following your journey.
Meli Mel
Thanks so much for the feature. Much love and appreciation!
What a simple and refreshing approach to tackling the big issues! This book is a must have!!