Achieving Balance: Strategies for Work and Play
It is too funny that I am continuing my previous blog post on this section. I was recently disappointed with some news that I received and I think that if this individual had some strategies in place then I wouldn’t be in the predicament that I am in right now…but that is for another blog post! We all know the term “Jack of all trades, master of none”, I have always labeled myself as one but I think I am a master of some and I have learnt to prioritize everything that I do so that nothing is left unattended or neglected.
In my last blog post, I was talking about the seminar my company held in balancing home and work, so today’s post is a continuation of it. These are a few strategies for work and play:
Use discretionary time to meet personal needs.
Set limits.
Communicate needs.
Ask yourself: What are my values and goals?
Acknowledge what you do accomplish.
Get support and be supportive.
Now in trying to achieve all this balance, we must also take responsibility for our actions and know our limit as well. In taking responsibility, we should also take the time to be alone. What seems to get sacrificed most often in the struggle to find balance between work and home is time alone. Yet this might be the most important time you spend. Also we need to know our passion. Know what is meaningful and highly motivating to you and what makes you feel alive then set your priorities.
In life some choices are difficult, but these choices are ours, so make them consciously and never be afraid to question or change them. Learn to also let go. Once you set your priorities, let the rest go. Some people say you can have it all, but in today’s culture, that is a rare phenomenon. Allow for change, because once needs, demand and situations change, so will choices. Certain phases of our life are time-limited.
And I think one of the most important aspects of achieving balance, is keeping communication open. Constant communication with those around us is essential to keeping our sense of balance. Never assume that what was okay with them or with you yesterday is going to be okay tomorrow.
I hope my two blog posts on this matter has or would help in some way or form in achieving balance at home, work or play!