OMG, we are already 5 days into December….the year is almost over.
How has everyone been? How was the Thanksgiving holiday? Did you try to take advantage of the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales? For me that is the perfect time to cross Christmas gifts off my list since there are usually alot of sales. I don’t know about you, but I live for a sale.
November was a super busy month for me that I really did not get time to blog as I wanted to. I have 1 more week for my semester to be over and I am so longing for this break and wishing and hoping that I could be somewhere on somebody’s beach…but the last time I checked, I was not a lottery winner, so um yeah….I did win $10 on a $1 scratch-off so that is a start.
Anyway folks, just touching bases and seeing what yall have been up to?
Meli Mel
P.S. I hope everyone has put up their tree already, I was a tad bit early as usual and had my tree up way before thanksgiving This year we chose traditional Christmas colors and of course our artificial tree due to my son’s asthma and allergies.
To give the tree the smell of pine and make my home smell Christmasy, I use this:
Got it from Pier 1, although that exact one is no longer available you can still purchase this one here