Last week St. Lucia celebrated Nobel Laureate Week to celebrate our two Nobel Laureates. Sir Arthur Lewis won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1979 and the Hon. Derek Walcott won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1992. In St. Lucia they celebrate the week with lectures from various people, they also have literary nights around the island and also events like story-telling, art displays etc…
This feature today is about one phenomenal young lady that is well on her way to becoming perhaps our next Nobel Laureate (Yeah I am speaking it into existence).
ML: Tell us about Loverly Sheridan?
LS: I was born and raised in Saint Lucia, where I lived until the age of seventeen. The fabric and essence of who I am has a lot to do with being raised in a country with a unique culture and wonderful traditions. I moved to the United States to join my mother whom I had been separated from for five years. It was a very challenging time. As you can imagine, I’ve had my fair share of adversities. Thankfully, it all made me better, not bitter.
Life since have taken me on an incredible journey which I speak candidly about in my first book, “A Girl Like Me.” An autobiographical book which chronicles my amazing journey of self discovery while traveling the world. I’ve since written four children books all geared towards encouraging children to embrace their uniqueness, and to treat others the way they would like to be treated.
ML: Briefly, what led up to you writing?
LS: I’ve always loved to write and discovered at an early age that I expressed myself best through writing. However, I believe as I evolved, I felt a great need to write stories which seek truth, raise our level of consciousness, and encourage people to live in peace and harmony with each other.
ML: How many books have you written?
LS: Six. Five have been published, and one is in the editing stage.
ML: Where do you write from? I have always heard of so many writers having writers block, have you experienced that and does your environment play a role in your writing?
LS: Most of my writing is done from home—in my sanctuary as I love to call it, nestled in nature. I get great inspiration from my peaceful surroundings. I also love to travel, so a lot of my writing is inspired from my travels. Indeed, there are many stages of writers block. The creative process is pure madness! (lol)
ML: What do you find to be the hardest part of writing?
LS: It’s weird because the hardest part is also the most beautiful. One never really knows what they’re going to write about next. It really just comes to you in the most unusual ways and at the most unusual times. Life is ever evolving and the only thing that is constant is change, and writing/art reflects that.
ML: Best piece(s) of advice for writers trying to break in.
LS: Just start! Write that story placed in your heart and mind. Don’t over think it, don’t be scared of failure or fear of being judged or criticized, don’t worry about the process and obstacles, just write. It’s a learning process and it gets better in time. It may sound cliché, but we really only have one life to live. Everything will fall into place in time, but you can’t tell a story you’ve never written. So just do it!
ML: Your first book was about you, “A Girl Like Me”, why did you branch out into writing for kids? Would you try your hands at adult literature?
LS: Again it goes back to the enigmatic, yet beautiful process of writing, and one never really knowing what story that they will tell next. I definitely didn’t plan on being a children’s author. As I evolved, being a mother and passionate about children’s issues, I felt compelled to write stories to empower children. They are the future. I do intend to write more adult literature. The book I’m working on now is for and about women.
Cover of her first book:
ML: Are you self-published, if so why? What are your biggest learning experience(s) or surprise(s) throughout the whole writing or publishing process?
LS: Yes, I am a self published author. I made the decision to self publish from the beginning because I wanted to tell my own story, in my own way, without it being controlled or dictated by anyone. I also didn’t want to place my destiny in the hands of someone else to decide if my work was good enough to delay or deny my dreams, so I took a leap of faith and I’ve been extremely blessed to have a small, growing audience who appreciate my work and what I do. However, since I’ve written six books, the audience and dynamics have changed a lot, and it’s taking a path of its own. I think a lot will change soon in terms of publishing, all in God’s time. I’m just thankful to be doing what I love. The greatest lesson for me throughout this process is that when we believe in ourselves and walk in faith, not by sight, anything is possible. I can testify about this in so many ways.
ML: Something personal about you people may be surprised to know.
LS: I’m scared of flying.
ML: Where can one purchase any of your books?
LS: On Amazon worldwide and through my website:
ML: I know you do motivational speaking, where can you be reached or contacted?
LS: Through my website. I also have a Facebook author page,
ML: What’s next?
LS: Who knows? While we’re busying making plans God is smiling right? I just take life one day at a time and keep writing. I do my best, and I know God will take care of the rest. I do have a new book coming out this week called “Sandy’s Secret: Don’t Touch! I Won’t Hush!” It addresses the issues of child sexual abuse. I will also be leading a campaign to raise awareness by encouraging children to speak out, and for parents to speak to their children about the threat of predators.
These are the covers of her latest children’s books:
As she mentioned, Loverly loves to travel although she is afraid of flying (this was surprising, because this young lady have been everywhere that requires one to fly, lol )…Here are a few pics of her time abroad, places like Cuba, Japan, Peru, Spain, China, Africa….I think she has touched each corners of the world, lol.
Guest Speaker at an Elementary School for the Anti-Bully Campaign:
Pictured below is Loverly receiving the award for the 2015 Athena Young Professional Leadership. The Athena award is given to a woman (or man) who assists women in reaching their full leadership potential, both professionally and personally. The name Athena is inspired by the goddess of Greek mythology known for her strength, courage, wisdom and enlightenment.
I hope you all enjoyed this feature and Loverly’s parting words for me to share with you guys was to believe in yourselves and follow your own compass and live your best life-NOW!
Meli Mel
P.S. To Loverly: I am proud to know you from way back then and to see how you have evolved and continue to evolve, I wish you the best in all your future endeavors and looking forward to reading some more books from you or maybe watching your movie
Very nice feature indeed well done!!!!
This is so beatiful.. I am so impress.. I will make it my duty to buy her books and give it as a gift to a child.