Escape 2024

I want to go big people partttyyyy. We escaping today yall. The theme is a splash of color. Originally it was Linen with a pop of color but let my aunty tell it, it was always a splash of color.

We early mun? No long line like last year

Yeah boy I get my nice cup nobody cutting style on me for their cup this year!

Okay the people really colorful.

AA what the lady have on her there

AA aunty have all her breast out

To me they didn’t have this many people last year

I get a drink so lemme go get a lil food

My aunty say let’s get food and every person she sees she stopping. I go leave her and check for my belly.

I had some shrimp and mashed potatoes and my parents had pulled lamb. They were both good.

I didn’t eat much because I ate earlier

I hate that I have to hunt for bins in every fete, fix this for next year, cause I don’t like to litter.

The way that wind blowing a rain has to be coming.

Party eh real start yet.

Here comes Mr. Talk a lot. Run the music nuh

A1 jugglers coming, okay look the party going to start

I eh go lie to tell you the breeze real nice

Idk why everytime I drink my belly feeling full

I feel like people not getting on mad enough when mad people segment come on

A1 jugglers eh turn up the place like I thought uh

Okay look the rain. Check people run not me eh I real need a cool down

I put on my wig band and my hair is up and my makeup is waterproof. Rain on me eh

Big up the people that not afraid of the rain!

AA check the lady dance while cleaning lol

I know they hot under them tents

I forget I supposed to be blogging, lmao I was deh getting it good

Long I eh eat a coconut ball. That niceeee

I need them to hype it back up. I nice I need bouyon and dennery music

Okay old people segment

Not people running from the rain again

AA yall too nice for a lil water? Yall scared of water LOL

Hello! Why the music stop

Okay. The rain come down like a hurricane now I go move in that

Leaving escape and I seeing a girl whole backside out jusso

Home time. I nice, Party was nice.

Side note my sources tell me they had no soap or toilet paper in the bathroom, good thing I does walk with my little wipes and hand sanitizer.



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